Sunday, May 22, 2011

Proudly ours - Asia One Section in ArtHK11

Published exclusively in this site on 23 May 2011.

 Miki Taira Miso-kai bridge Courtesy Miki Taira and Tokyo Gallery+BTAP

ARTHK11 is bringing a new section to the table this year - Asia One. Exhibits will be by artists of Asian origins, and the section will act as a platform to showcase the vibrant and exciting developments in the Asian artistic circle. This piece by Miki Taira looks like a baby trapped inside a test tube, which reminds me of Lydia Tong and her Bonsai Kitten.

 Selcuk Artut Things To Do 2010 Courtesy of CDA Projects

Selcuk Artut's photographic print gives an impression of a suburban Russian girl doing some household chores, but with a slightly eerie twist.

FUNG Ming-chip 花非花風景字 Bloom is not a Bloom, Landscape Script Courtesy Sin Sin Fine Art

Fung Ming-chip's Chinese painting has an unconventional form of presentation, putting the calligraphy on top of the drawing.

Wu Jian-an Xingtian Courtesy Chambers Fine Art, Beijing

Wu Jian-an's paper cutting comes across like a Hinduism worship piece, with patterns resembling henna tattoos.

Lu Hao The Berlin Scrolls No.3 2011 Courtesy of ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING

Lu Hao's silk print of Berlin somehow comes across like a reflection Pyongyangwith all the town planning set in a standardised and squared manner. The exhibition comes with a guided tour organized by Para/Site Art Space. For more in-depth details on the art works displayed, remember to sign up at the Info Point on-site. There will also be a printmaking workshop ran by the Hong Kong Open Printshop over the weekend, so be sure to drop by Booth X13 in Hall 3 to create your very own print! 

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