Sunday, May 15, 2011

Magic Flute - Hong Kong International Flute Festival

Published exclusively in this site on 16 May 2011.

Claudia and I went to the flute and harp concert on Labour Day, which left us pining for more. I am sure you would understand my excitement when I found out that the Hong Kong International Flute Festival will be holding two concerts the upcoming Sunday evenings at the City Hall.

The concerts will be performed by world renowned flutist, including legendary Canadian flute maestro Robert Aitken. The pieces performed will either be World premiere or Asia premiere, and the audience will definitely be guaranteed a breathtaking performance. There will also be lessons conducted by these master flutists, so I can't wait to tell Claudia, an aspiring flutist, to seize this once in a lifetime opportunity.

For more details on the concerts, the lessons, and the festival, you can check out their website or email them. See you at the concert.

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