Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stretch an extra mile for the Bears - Charity Yoga for Animals Asia

Published exclusively in this site on 5 May 2011.

Going for a yoga class after being cooped up in office all day does miracles to your muscles, so imagine how the endangered moon bears feel like being caged for life. In reponse to that, Animals Asia is holding a day of yoga fundraising to help ending bear bile farming on Sunday, 22 May 2011 at Cyberport.

Their forms of practices will be quite varied throughout the day, making sure the participants will feel energised and engaged from 10am to 5pm. They will also be having a mini carnival on site that day, selling organic products and handicrafts, so be sure to get there early for a great day of practice as well as shopping.

If you have missed the yogathon a few weeks back, now is the time to go out to the open air, and practicing yoga for a great cause. You can put your name down here.

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