Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hong Kong's Mainstream - Main Fair in ArtHK11

Published exclusively in this site on 18 May 2011.

CHUN Kwang-young Aggregation 10-AUO27 BLUE Courtesy Gallery Hyundai

After looking into the contemporary arts section in ArtHK11, let's see what the main fair has to offer. This piece by CHUN Kwang-young, made with Korean mulberry paper, looks like somebody's just found a water source in Mars.

KIM Nam-pyo Instant Landscape- Zebra  #8 Courtesy Gana Art

KIM Nam-pyo's work used unrealistic proportions as well as unlikely combination of zebra and convertible in a traditional Chinese setting, aiming to draw the attention of its audience. 

Patricia Piccinini The Lovers Courtesy of Tolarno Galleries

Patricia Piccinini's pair of snuggling scooters is very Transformers like. It is what I imagine would be like when machines fall in love.

WONG Hoy-cheong Days of Our Lives: Reading Courtesy ESLITE GALLERY

WONG Hoy-cheong has taken what would be the traditional European style of painting to illustrate Islamic subjects, sparking your thought on pondering how they are actually not all that different from us.

Chen Jian-guo The Light of Hope Courtesy Art Beatus Gallery

Chen Jian-guo's oil painting seems like an artist's interpretation of Armageddon. This is pretty much how they described the way the world would end in Revelations.

Want to learn more about art? ArtHK11 will be hosting a series of art talks throughout the week, so mark it down in your schedules now. I am particularly interested in the talk about Hong Kongism on Saturday 28 May 2011, so hopefully I shall see you there.

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